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Tabel kon niet gemaakt worden, fout in sequel: SELECT DISTINCT A.ButtonID, A.DivSetID, L.CategoryID, L.CatalogID,IF(L.CategoryID=12, 20, 0) AS W1, IF(A.MenuID=2, 1, 0) AS MenuWeight, IF(A.ButtonID=62, 20, 0) AS W0 FROM (((((((tblbutton A INNER JOIN tblmenu B ON A.SiteID=B.SiteID AND A.MenuID=B.MenuID) INNER JOIN (SELECT IF(BD.ButtonID IS NULL, IF(BS.ButtonID IS NULL, B.ButtonID, BS.ButtonID), BD.ButtonID) AS ButtonID FROM (((tbldivcontentlang L LEFT JOIN tblbuttondiv BD ON BD.ContentID=L.ContentID AND BD.SiteID=L.SiteID) LEFT JOIN tblbuttonset BS ON BS.ContentID=L.ContentID AND BS.SiteID=L.SiteID) LEFT JOIN tbldivsetdiv DD ON DD.DivTypeID=L.DivTypeID AND DD.ContentID=L.ContentID AND DD.SiteID=L.SiteID) LEFT JOIN tblbutton B ON B.DivSetID=DD.DivsetID AND B.SiteID=DD.SiteID WHERE L.SiteID=1 AND L.LangID=1 AND L.ModuleID=4 AND L.GroupID=8 AND (BS.Recycle IS NULL OR BS.Recycle=0) AND (DD.Recycle IS NULL OR DD.Recycle=0) AND (BD.Recycle IS NULL OR BD.Recycle=0) AND L.ViewID=1) Z ON A.ButtonID=Z.ButtonID) LEFT JOIN tblbuttoncatalogcategory L ON A.ButtonID=L.ButtonID AND A.SiteID=L.SiteID) LEFT JOIN tblbutton P1 ON A.ParentID=P1.ButtonID AND A.SiteID=P1.SiteID) LEFT JOIN tblbutton P2 ON P1.ParentID=P2.ButtonID AND P1.SiteID=P2.SiteID) LEFT JOIN tblbutton P3 ON P2.ParentID=P3.ButtonID AND P2.SiteID=P3.SiteID) LEFT JOIN tblbutton P4 ON P3.ParentID=P4.ButtonID AND P3.SiteID=P4.SiteID) WHERE A.SiteID=1 AND A.LangID=1 AND B.Mobile=0 AND (A.Disabled=0 OR (A.Disabled=2 AND (A.DTEnable IS NULL OR A.DTEnable<=NOW()) AND (A.DTDisable IS NULL OR A.DTDisable>NOW()))) AND A.SSOButtonTypeID=0 AND (P1.SiteID IS NULL OR P1.Disabled=0 OR (P1.Disabled=2 AND (P1.DTEnable IS NULL OR P1.DTEnable<=NOW()) AND (P1.DTDisable IS NULL OR P1.DTDisable>NOW()))) AND (P1.SiteID IS NULL OR P1.SSOButtonTypeID=0) AND (P2.SiteID IS NULL OR P2.Disabled=0 OR (P2.Disabled=2 AND (P2.DTEnable IS NULL OR P2.DTEnable<=NOW()) AND (P2.DTDisable IS NULL OR P2.DTDisable>NOW()))) AND (P2.SiteID IS NULL OR P2.SSOButtonTypeID=0) AND (P3.SiteID IS NULL OR P3.Disabled=0 OR (P3.Disabled=2 AND (P3.DTEnable IS NULL OR P3.DTEnable<=NOW()) AND (P3.DTDisable IS NULL OR P3.DTDisable>NOW()))) AND (P3.SiteID IS NULL OR P3.SSOButtonTypeID=0) AND (P4.SiteID IS NULL OR P4.Disabled=0 OR (P4.Disabled=2 AND (P4.DTEnable IS NULL OR P4.DTEnable<=NOW()) AND (P4.DTDisable IS NULL OR P4.DTDisable>NOW()))) AND (P4.SiteID IS NULL OR P4.SSOButtonTypeID=0)

at VWA.DBFunctions.createTable(String sSQL, Boolean bFillSchem, DataTable table, Int32 iTimeOut)
at VWA.Controls.Base.Catalog.CatalogBase.ViewTargetPageProperties.get_item(vwaBaseDiv oDiv, Int32 ViewID, Category oTargetCategory)
at VWA.Controls.Base.Catalog.ArticleListControl.onCategoryIDChanged(Int32 iPrevCategoryID, Category oNewCategory)
at VWA.Controls.Base.Catalog.ArticleListControl.PrerenderObjectList(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at VWA.Controls.Base.Catalog.ArticleListControl.Page_PreRender(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.Control.OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

The connection has been disabled.

ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 8.1(w) Driver][mysqld-5.5.5-10.11.8-MariaDB-deb12]Got packets out of order